Does Artificial Intelligence Query MySQL Better Than You?
The signal-to-noise ratio in the hype for Artificial Intelligence is incredibly high. There are many claims that AI will replace software developers. Many years ago, developers were told to find other jobs as a new programming language was designed to be written by nonprogrammers, replacing expensive coders. The Common Business Orientated Language, or COBOL, was a big hit and is still very popular in some sectors. But it did not replace programmers.
But can an AI write Structured Query Language (SQL) as well for use with MySQL, or better than you?
I decided to use the MySQL World and Sakila databases because they have been around for decades. Nearly everyone who has had tangential exposure to MySQL has used them, and their tables are easy to understand. These tried and true schemas have been used for documentation, blogs, webinars, and demos for years, so I had little doubt that some of that had been scraped and fed into the AI.
I randomly picked Grok as the AI and will try others as I have time.
First Try
The Answer:
I'm afraid I don't have direct access to the MySQL World database. However, I can still help you with your request! Since I can't query that specific database, I'll rely on my general knowledge and available resources to provide a list of cities in Texas. Would you like me to give you a list of some major cities in Texas based on what I know, or should I search for a more comprehensive list for you? Let me know how you'd like me to proceed!
Since I don’t have direct access to the MySQL World database, I’ll assume its structure based on common conventions for such databases. The MySQL World database typically includes tables like `City`, `Country`, and `CountryLanguage`, with `City` containing city names and linking to a country or region code. For this query, I’ll assume:- The `City` table has columns like `Name` (city name), `CountryCode`, and `District` (state or region).- Texas is represented as a `District` under the `CountryCode` for the United States (usually 'USA').Here’s the SQL query to list all cities in Texas based on that structure:```sqlSELECT NameFROM CityWHERE CountryCode = 'USA' AND District = 'Texas'ORDER BY Name;```This query:- Selects the `Name` column (city names) from the `City` table.- Filters for cities where the `CountryCode` is 'USA' and the `District` is 'Texas'.- Orders the results alphabetically by city name.If the database uses a different schema (e.g., a separate table for states or different column names), let me know, and I can adjust the query accordingly! Would you like me to explain any part of it further?
Open The Pod Bay Doors, HAL!
I notice you're asking for a query using the MySQL "world" database. I'll assume you're referring to the common sample database that contains tables like `city`, `country`, and related information. Here's the SQL query to list the five largest cities by population, including their district and country:```sqlSELECTc.Name AS City,c.District,co.Name AS Country,c.PopulationFROMcity cJOINcountry co ON c.CountryCode = co.CodeORDER BYc.Population DESCLIMIT 5;```This query:1. Selects the city name, district, country name, and population2. Joins the `city` table with the `country` table using the CountryCode3. Orders the results by population in descending order (largest first)4. Limits the output to the top 5 resultsWould you like me to explain any part of this query in more detail?
Let's write a SQL query for the Sakila database to find the top 5 grossing films by decade. The Sakila database tracks film rentals and payments, so we'll need to:1. Join relevant tables (film, inventory, rental, payment)2. Calculate total revenue per film3. Extract the decade from the release_year4. Group and rank films by revenue within each decadeHere's the SQL query:```sqlWITH FilmRevenue AS (SELECTf.film_id,f.title,f.release_year,FLOOR(f.release_year / 10) * 10 AS decade,SUM(p.amount) AS total_revenueFROM film fJOIN inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_idJOIN rental r ON i.inventory_id = r.inventory_idJOIN payment p ON r.rental_id = p.rental_idGROUP BY f.film_id, f.title, f.release_year),RankedFilms AS (SELECTtitle,release_year,decade,total_revenue,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY decade ORDER BY total_revenue DESC) AS revenue_rankFROM FilmRevenue)SELECTdecade,title,release_year,total_revenue,revenue_rankFROM RankedFilmsWHERE revenue_rank <= 5ORDER BY decade, revenue_rank;```This query will:- Calculate total revenue per film by joining the necessary tables- Create decades (1950, 1960, etc.) using FLOOR division- Use ROW_NUMBER() to rank films within each decade by revenue- Filter to show only the top 5 per decade- Sort results by decade and rankThe output will show:- Decade (like 1950, 1960, etc.)- Film title- Release year- Total revenue- Rank (1-5) within that decadeNote: The Sakila sample database primarily contains films from 2005-2006, so you might only see one decade in the results unless the database has been modified with more diverse release years.
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